Field Services

Boiler Walk to Help Select Sensor Locations Prior to Installation – Included with System Purchase

Prior to installation of the system, it is customary for a Triple 5 engineer to visit the plant to provide a presentation of the system to all interested parties.  Triple 5’s engineer can also walk the unit with representatives from the plant to aid in selecting sensor locations.  One visit (one man day) is provided at Triple 5’s expense with no charge to the plant.

Training, Engineering Services and Check-out Support – Included with System Purchase

Triple 5 provides 2 (two) man-days of on-site labor for training and system check-out, at no charge, except for the travel charge and living/travel expenses.  Additional on-site technical support is available at our published Field Service Rates.  Off-site technical support is provided at no cost to the customer during system commissioning and for the duration of the Surveillance contract via internet, modem or telephone from our office in New Jersey.

Training:  In-house training for the operators and electrical personnel includes hands-on experience for each participant. Each session requires approximately two hours of classroom instruction.  Training for instrument/electrical technicians includes emphasis on trouble-shooting techniques.

Based on customer specific training requirements, two people may be required to perform the work.

On-site System Startup – Optional

Triple 5 can provide System Startup Technical Support if the plant chooses.  System Startup requires a Field Engineer and Field Technician for 2 (two) days on-site. Please contact Triple 5 for a quote if interested.