Early Leak Detection: The Weather Channel for Leaks?

by Sara on September 2, 2011

Taking the time to think about it, boiler tube leaks are very much like the weather – unpredictable.  We can’t change it.  We can’t prevent it.  Instead, we learn to prepare, manage and adapt our lives to fit the weather daily.

With the help of the weather channel and local meteorologists, we have the benefit of weekly/daily weather forcasts but more importantly, “EARLY” warning of potential damaging storms.

When it comes to boiler tube leaks, Triple 5 and the AMS provide – The “Weather Channel” for Leaks. Combined with Triple 5 surveillance, the AMS provides an “Early” warning of potential leaks and other boiler abnormalities.

Take a snowstorm for example.  We’ll usually get first wind or early warning of a potential snow storm from the local meteorologist.  At that point, we continue to monitor and track the snowstorm in order to prepare (ie trips to the grocery store to stock up on food, getting our shovels in place, etc). Once it arrives, we’re prepared and ready to handle the storm accordingly.

With an AMS, plants typically get the first indication of a leak (prior to makeup or water loss).  Plants then can monitor and track the potential leak real-time allowing time to prepare; schedule staff, have outage material in place, or a trip to the grocery store if necessary.

Can you imagine not having the help of the weather channel or our local meteorologists and waking up on a Monday morning to 10” of snow?

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